I haven’t ever seen it happen, but I would think it’s possible for a rack of equivalent heftiness topped off by nips with enough – shall we say sharpness? – to actually rip a top to shreds. Don’t be skeered, this is a think of mysticism and lore. I haven’t seen it happen, I’m just saying it could.
Take this milf for example. If she chose to button up those last 13 buttons (which would be a crying shame – please don’t assume I’m wishing she would do this and ruin my excellent cleavage-filled day), she’s got a chance of ripping right through that tanktop. I say she’s a milf, even though I can’t see her face and haven’t checked her ID, because there are a sufficient number of moles and wrinkles and skin tags to make me think that ol’ set of lungs has some miles on ’em.
The way the sunlight is streaming in and lighting up those golden orbs puts me in a positively wonderful mood. It leaves me thinking everything is right with the world. Well, except that I’m kind of horny and I haven’t gotten laid today. Something we need to rectify immediately. If this old cougar were available, I’d invite her out for a beebop session. Take her out on the dance floor (right after we play bingo), twirl her around, and get her thinking dirty thoughts.