Hunter Leigh

Ok, well her name was Hunter Leigh. The girl in that post I mean. And about one billion of you wrote me to say puh-lease mista ya gotta tell me who she is so I can go do my internet stalking thing. Well, Hunter and I are tight, like this ||. So I can’t really help you stalk her, I’m too busy doing it myself. Well, not so much stalking as trying to get in her pants. What a craaaazy body she has. This photo she sent me, where she’s standing in her bedroom in a pair of see-through panties, spreading her cheeks just a bit and looking at the camera with these wanton eyes, yeah it sort of makes it hard to concentrate on her chesticles. But this is bralessblog, not idonthaveanypantsonblog so we’re obligated to mention the fact that she has no bra on and you can see her nips right through that red t-shirt. Man, delicious. I tried to ask her out for pizza this past weekend, but I forgot how to talk. Plus, sitting outside her apartment and staring across the parking lot with a pair of fisher price binoculars would’ve made it really hard to talk to her even if I could’ve remembered how to speak.

Hunter Leigh Pic

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