Kelly Brook Rubs Nipples

Curvy girls in Hollywood really aren’t that prevalent. You might find a girl like Jenny McCarthy, with big boobs and a skinny waist, but that’s just busty, not curvy. Kelly Brook has some meat on her bones. You can tell she is one holiday season away from being a spokeswoman for Weight Watchers. She and Adele are birds of a feather when it comes to that. All of that sounds kind of cruel until you realize I ain’t cracking, just pointing out the fact that Kelly isn’t skinny. I like her curves.

What’s really great is she tends to shwizzledick around braless. As you can imagine, I find this enormously entertaining. Having big boobs is one thing. Treating them like an honest-to-gawd asset is entirely different.

Judging by what I can see of her nipples – which you have to admit is plenty- Kelly has some serious spikes. This third picture just slays me. Everybody on the red carpet that night must have been able to think only one thing: WOWZA LOOK AT HER NIPPLES! So for her to grab some other celebrity and grind those big spikes against her mercilessly is like off the charts. I don’t know who the other lady is, but she was probably thinking she would attract more than a little attention with her big airbags. But then when she wasn’t even looking, Kelly grabs her and squashes her and pssssssssshhhh deflates her. Crazy bummer, hard to plan for a terrible emergency like that when you’re dressing for an awards show.

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